Eva Cremers


Eva Cremers is a 3D Artist and Animation Director from The Netherlands whose playful, graphic CGI style combines with her unique design sensibility to create charming, joyful worlds.


Maxon Summit

3D abstract animation for the annual software summit

Samsung Galaxy Watch6

Playful characters to take with you wherever you go!

H&M x Eva Cremers

A collaboration exploding with joy & fun!


Unusual Parents, Usual Parenting

An animated TVC with Wieden+Kennedy Portland for Fisher Price

Amazon Music Murals

Illustrated murals for Amazon Music's breakthrough series

Casetify China

Fun 3D animation for the tech accessories brand

Mini Rooftop

A vibrant rooftop design for Mini.


Baskin Robbins Christmas Campaign

Eva Cremers helps multi-national ice cream and cake chain Baskin Robbins launch their huge Christmas campaign in Korea


Hyundai Department Store

Listen to the happiness.